Exploring Babylon's Testnet Phase 4: A User Journey and Key Challenges

I’m excited to share my experience participating in your recent testnet phase 4. Here’s my detailed feedback:

  1. Impressive Platform: I was thoroughly impressed with the platform you’ve developed. Not only is it visually appealing with a modern and clean design, but its intuitive functionality made the testing process highly enjoyable.
  2. Outstanding UI/UX Design: The UI/UX design you’ve crafted is truly remarkable. Seamless navigation and clear settings made it easy for me to focus on the core aspects of testing without any distractions.
  3. Challenges Faced:
  • Complicated Faucet Issues: One major challenge I encountered was difficulties in receiving coins from the faucet to my wallet. This issue hindered my ability to conduct further tests effectively.
  • Limited Participant Quota: The limited participant quota also slowed down the testing momentum. I hope there could be solutions implemented to expand access and maximize collaboration.

I appreciate the valuable opportunity to contribute to the development of your platform. I hope this feedback brings added value to your future improvements.

Thank you for considering my input.

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