2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cannot get sbtc from the faucet
Great joob very fluited
the staking process was smooth af, love the simplicity thanks and keep building
Staking with babylon was my fastest transaction on btc
Bitcoin Defi is gonna a life changing innovation in the history of Web3 and now Babylon chain is leading the charge… the experience was so smooth and proactive for any layerman web3 users
Very smooth and without a hitch
just claimed my pass
gg guys
Staking was as easy as abc, the user interface was smooth and no lagging…kudos guys.
Everything went smoothly without any problem
Babylon will change lives
staking was bvery nice and fast
the staking process was fast and smooth no bug was identified in the process
Great project. I think the project will be shine
I’am currently facing an issue while trying to stake,The transaction fails and gives me this message (Request failed with status code 500)
testnet good and very smooth for me.
it was very nice testnet staking
Staking process was smooth. Visit you again.
The testnet token takes time to deliver, I will revert when I complete other transactions.
Tout s’est bien passé pour moi. Ravi d’avoir pu essayer ce protocole.