Faucet problem from discord

I have been used discord faucet since testnet-2. With starting testnet-3, i cannot get sBTC from discord. Every wallet used from testnet-2 cannot obtain faucet, while wallet from testnet-3 is fine. Is there any problem?


What wallet did you use? I used the okx wallet and there was no problem


I also used okx. Are you able to faucet more than twice?

When I minted Pioneer pass, I was told that I could only get a discord faucet once. (I’m not sure about the policy change after that time.)

faucet is getting very hard…

faucet keep failing. pls look into it

I also used okx wallet, but i am ok

i recommend you try 1day later

have a good day!


Having trouble getting bbn from the staking link. It won’t go in. The screen just shakes when I press enter. Am I missing something?

I can’t claim test funds from the discord fauncet

I have the same problem