My Metamask polygon address linked to Galxe, didn't go through, Until I used OKX polygon address please help me

Hello team,
Getting the token from faucet actually was no child play, happy I find my way out, by bridging from Botanix testnet token from my metamask to sBTC. as faucet from signet never delivered to my OKX wallet.
Now here is the issue, after I was able to stake and got eligible for claiming the pass I input my metamask polygon address, which was connected to galxe, I kept getting Error, tried several times, same result, then I tried using polygon address from my OKX, then boooom it went through, the joy that I felt swept away all the stress have experience trying to get sBTC token from faucet.
Now the main challenge, I log on to Galxe so I can claim Babylon series 2 badge, which I currently can’t claim because I used my OKX polygon address. which is different from my Galxe polygon address.
I need help in this regards, please how do i go about this, so I can claim my series 2 badge?
Aside all this, navigating the Babylon dashboard was smooth and seamless, great user interface and smooth experience.

please help me so I can clima my series 2 badge.

here is a link confirming my Staking Pass[I’m staker 33827](

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Hello! Go to your galxe, click on the settings you will see wallet address under it, you will see a plus (+) sign, click on that and add your okx account as a secondary wallet, then bind it. If you do that, you can verify and claim your badge for the second task.

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