Stakerd staking issue

Stakerd is unable to confirm staking transaction in Babylon chain. There is an typical error:
“Failed to deliver delegation to babylon due to error.” “failed to send delegation for tx with hash: 58970ec3b5836276cdc2f8de1229a4c800ca3f3540b9da23d1f89d519ba66ad7: out of gas”

Neverthless, fee_payer account holds enough funds.

“event_attr: fee_payer”: “bbn1wmv76ln8jguwdh9ly0dppledrzyllnczpw8jsj”, “event_attr: fee”: “1100ubbn”}

What makes the issue even worse is that the daemon makes unlimited tries to deliver the delegation to the chain, every time draining the free (1100ubbn in example above)

relevant tx hashes:

The way I run the staking cli:
stakercli daemon stake --staker-address tb1q3sqw69mtre8pwtu23spk32f6nsljtxu0tnm8tq --staking-amount 1000000 --finality-providers-pks 2df3ada2840f6c51cfbea30701d2b77744dccb5e17f236da5ee37c9f2c1699ef --staking-time 10000

This is a copy of my post I’ve made in telegram channel recently.