The “Finality provider” should be a search bar, or at least a kind of sorting option

This UI is getting better, but on the left side on the screen, where you can find the “Finality provider” should be a search bar, or at least a kind of sorting option. I hope it will be getting better, and better!

Best regards!

hello, we can’t search our validator, only scroling …


Like the UI, but it was impossible to scroll down the validators names. As the testnet was nearly full, I just selected a random at the top of the alphabet. Maybe I missed a button somewhere?

Staking works very easily
Imo it would be interesting to add a search bar to easily find the favorite validator.

And also, the rewards claim doesn’t work.
The button works, it launches the transaction, I was able to validate it on Keplr but the interaction is not taken into account and the rewards did not move.