Cannot stake because the cap is reached

Staking cap reached

Staking is temporarily disabled due to the staking cap getting reached.


When will the pool reopen?


Why was the capacity filled so quickly?


just need to increase the cap of the staking amount. Other all things are perfect


5sbtc is too little, me and many of my friends could not stake it. PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME.

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The limits for stake are overcrowded, but there are validators in which 0 is staked out

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Unfortunately, it is currently impossible to stake tokens. Please fix it.


Staking cap reached is so fast.

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During the first testnet I did not get any problems.

I received test tokens without problems, and staked them successfully

Unfortunately, although I was very fast, I was not able to stack during testnet-4 because the cap of 5 Signet BTC was reached too quickly

Apart from that, the transactions were really smooth, the new interface is very nice and I did not encounter any problems

Еverything is fine, but there is no way to place a bet because the limit is over, but I will wait for the limits to be updated

I hope and wish I’m not to late, I have been unable to request for faucet for months but now that I have been able to claim staking window have been closed. pls work on it

Hello, the testnet is progressing very well, but it seems that the staking limit has been reached on the 2nd day and the number of stakers is not yet 3k. I hope I can stake it in the coming days.

staking is not working

When will it be open for new stakes?

stil low individual limit 0.05

more CAP please. don’t limit the BTC CAP STAKE

smooth as always. just hope I’ll be able to stake until the cap is reached

Is it possible to increased those staking quota?

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can you fix staking cup is filled your stake will be overflowed error if we can still stake?

Why’s is so slow and Why’s the cap so low. There’s 5btc cap and close to 15btc pending

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