want stake but no pool,ah
i think you guys should creat a biger pool.
i think you guys should improve your faucet claiming process
Server problem Babylon testnet not working
Nicc project nicc COMUNITY member nicc project
Staked succesfully, thanks
project is good with good funding plz try to solve staking pending time issue its taking to much time also. please allow user to get faucet atleast 2 times.
Please to verify staking task early.
something lag every hourr
nice program tesnet lucky
yesterday i want to stake and its failed… and now was normal i’ve already staking.
wow, thankfully I got to stake just in time. But the gas fee is expensive.
can’t get water can i get a
when staking open again?
Everythin is working as normali thank you
So excited with Babylon!
hello you are good boy. itis good project
Faucet is busy all the time
Second week I can’t get the test tokens to stick. I will try again and again because the game is worth the effort.
The whole process was very smooth