Babylon Testnet - 4 Feedback

Everything works admirably well, I didn’t notice any problems. I agree with the others that an extremely small pool for people would be great if it were expanded, well, everything is fine.


every thinh was good and fluent for me just get faucet was very hard and so slowly

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i think chain is too slow i waiting for long time to deligate this.

yes sir i also same think so because the hype is too much for the project that’s why the faucet is delay.

Yes i also have then same issue with the stacking time because the fundamental of the project is good and the faucet is not going to work.

Im in to the pool! You can adjust cap on mainnet

Everything works good and I didn’t notice any problems.

it is easy to use and smooth but please increase the staking cap

Hello! I was able to stake the test signet BTC only on my 50th attempt. The wallet did not open and did not show the transaction value. As a result, me miraculously managed to stake the coins after reaching the cap.

verify galaxt so slowly i forget to verify that

this is a nice BTC stake platform.

Babylon is a number 1 BTC staking platform. everyone should try it

everybody should try to this platform. it is a good BTC staking platform.

so far so good i think…

I tried to stake, but my stake is usually overflow((

Excited for the project as it was the first testnet project that I participated in :heart_eyes:

Everything works good. I didn’t have any problems with staking.

Proof-of-Stake chains together wit

Nice BTC staking​:fire::fire::fire::fire: