Babylon feedback chapter 1 and chapter 2 cap 3 testnet 4 staking

Actually, the testnet this time is quite easy, but because the signet faucet is difficult and the sats fee is high, extra patience is needed to do it. For those of you who can’t stake, please be patient and wait for the sats fee to be low if the staking time text shows insufficient balances. And for babylon, why not just use the btc testnet instead of signet whose faucet is hard to get?

and also the transaction in explorer shows confirmed, but why does it take so long for the staking dashboard to update and continues to show pending staking?

for the UI, I actually like the current appearance which is simple and easy to use, and for the UX, due to difficult transactions and signet faucets, some users may experience difficulties.

Signet Faucet is a Headache but overall other process is quite smooth and easy. I wasn’t able to stake in previous cap due to high fees but somehow in this cap i got a chance to stake and process was quite easy.