Bablon testnet staking 4

The staking was somewhat slow due to bitcoin network higher fees . Transaction went through finally


mine success but cant verify the quest lol


Slow on confirmation just like staking 3

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discard fauct is not working

I completed it before ddl.

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The faucet is somewhat stagnating!


Works pretty good, success

the staking pool is very hardly to join, often full.

All looks good site is clearly understandable but faucet is lagging and don’t work galaxy quest can’t verify what really bothers you

this chain is unstable

babylon staking 4 is the only one ive been able to participate in smh but it went smoothly

The staking was somewhat slow due to bitcoin network higher fees .

The staking was slow and its hard to stake

i wait claim tash galxe

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Slow on confirmation just like staking 3

I staked 4 days ago and the transaction was successful but the task on Galxe hasn’t been verified

the staking was smooth

Node information is not clear

Hey why some wallet are not supported being bitcoin wallet and famous though